Jinsey's fun loving and photojournalistic and naturalistic approach to her work makes your photos come alive!

Natural light photogapher Jinsey points out, "The 3 the most V.I.P. things that make a great Headshot are : 1) You look like yourself! An obvious, but a usually overlooked point. 2) There’s life, movement and a kind of 3-dimensionality in your shots, almost as if they were taken from an actual movie, and 3) Your EYES, EYES, EYES! They’re full of warmth, aliveness and light! You then become expressive, communicative and approachable! That is exactly what you want in a headshot!"

"I'm so fortunate to have awesome natural light streaming into my 49th floor loft. Being so high up and with a view of the Hudson river, and luckily not afraid of heights, we're able to shoot no matter the weather." Jinsey says. "After modeling with Ford for 12 years, I’ve learned it’s just too darned hard to time your “look” to the flash and stay natural. With flash, your eyes become hesitant, posed, tired, stilted and Stepford wifey – exactly the opposite of what you want in a headshot! Your eyes will attract a lot more attention from agents and casting directors when they see eyes that are doing something, when they are communicating and alive without the dread of the jolting flash. Here, the only way a client knows I’m taking their picture is from the sound of the shutter clicking. My apartment is warm and welcoming. Everyone is happy and comfortable here. Love that! My assistant and all of my clients have fun! And sometimes I make them toast."

Jinsey’s true-to-life approach produces flattering, relaxed, and natural representations of each person. “With a Headshot you want the casting director and agent to really stop and look at your picture and feel something — your life and spirit of you as a person and as an actor,” says Jinsey.

Jill Charles of Backstage says, “Dauk strives for the active rather than the passive at her shoots. The eyes have it!”


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